The Parables of Jesus – Week 11: The Parables of The Rich Fool, The Guests, & The Good Samaritan
Las Parábolas de Jesús – Semana 11: Las Parábolas del Rico Insensato, Los Invitados, y La Moneda Perdida
The Letters of Paul (Part 2) | Therefore I Have Hope
Sunday School: The Letters of Paul (Part 2); Sermon: Therefore I Have Hope
Escuela Dominical: Las Cartas De Pablo (Segunda Parte); Sermon: Por lo Tanto, Tengo Esperanza
Download MP3 Audio Here: Therefore I Have Hope (137 downloads )
The Parables of Jesus – Week 10: The Parables of The Talents & The Good Samaritan
The Parables of Jesus – Week 10: The Parables of The Talents & The Good Samaritan
Las Parábolas de Jesús – Semana 10: Las Parábolas de Los Talentos y El Buen Samaritano
The Letters of Paul (Part 1) | Exposing Haman’s Plot
Sunday School: The Letters of Paul (Part 1); Sermon: Exposing Haman’s Plot
Escuela Dominical: Las Cartas De Pablo (Primera Parte); Sermon: Exponiendo la Tara de Amán
Download MP3 Audio Here: Exposing Haman's Plot (119 downloads )
The Parables of Jesus – Week 09: The Parables of The Wedding Feast & The Ten Virgins
The Parables of Jesus – Week 9: The Parables of The Wedding Feast & The Ten Virgins
Las Parábolas de Jesús – Semana 9: Las Parábolas de Los Dos Hijos y Los Labradores Malvados
The Kingdom Advances | Our Place of Safety
Sunday School: The Kingdom Advances; Sermon: Our Place of Safety
Escuela Dominical: El Reino Avanza; Sermon: Nuestro Lugar de Seguridad
Download MP3 Audio Here: Our Place of Safety (138 downloads )
The Parables of Jesus – Week 08: The Parables of The Two Sons & The Wicked Tenants
The Parables of Jesus – Week 8: The Parables of The Two Sons & The Wicked Tenants
Las Parábolas de Jesús – Semana 8: Las Parábolas de Los Dos Hijos y Los Labradores Malvados
Return From Exile | Ishmael: The God That Hears
Sunday School: Return From Exile; Sermon: Ishmael: The God That Hears
Escuela Dominical: El Regreso Del Exilio; Sermon: Ismael: El Dios Que Oye
Download MP3 Audio Here: Ishmael: The God That Hears (148 downloads )
The Parables of Jesus – Week 7: The Unforgiving Servant & The Laborers in the Vineyard
The Parables of Jesus – Week 7: The Unforgiving Servant & The Laborers in the Vineyard Las
Parábolas de Jesús – Semana 7: El Sirvo Que No Quiso Perdonar y Los Obreros de la Viña
God Sends His Messengers | What Must I Do To Be Saved?
Sunday School: God Sends His Messengers; Sermon: What Must I Do To Be Saved?
Escuela Dominical: Dios Envía A Sus Mensajeros; Sermon: ¿Qué Debo Hacer Para Ser Salvo?
Download MP3 Audio Here: What Must I Do To Be Saved? (119 downloads )
The Parables of Jesus – Week 06: The Tower Builder and Warring King, the Lost Sheep, and the Unprofitable Servant
The Parables of Jesus – Week 6: The Tower Builder and Warring King, the Lost Sheep, and the Unprofitable Servant
Las Parábolas de Jesús – Semana 6: El Constructor de la Torre y El Rey de Guerra, la Oveja Perdida, y El Siervo Inútil
Wisdom From God | It’s Time to Turn and Live!
Sunday School: Wisdom From God; Sermon: It’s Time to Turn and Live!
Escuela Dominical: La Sabiduría de Dios; Sermon: ¡Es Hora de Dar la Vuelta y Vivir!
Download MP3 Audio Here: It's Time to Turn and Live! (187 downloads )
The Parables of Jesus – Week 05: The Unfruitful Fig Tree, the Hidden Treasure, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Net
The Parables of Jesus – Week 5: The Parables of the Unfruitful Fig Tree, the Hidden Treasure, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Net
Las Parábolas de Jesús – Semana 5: Las Parábolas de la Higuera Infructuosa, el Tesoro Oculto, la Perla de Gran Precio y la Red
A United Kingdom Divided | If My People…I Will
Sunday School: A United Kingdom Divided; Sermon: If My People…I Will
Escuela Dominical: Un Reino Unido se Divide; Sermon: Si Mi Gente…Lo Haré
Download MP3 Audio Here: If My People...I Will (186 downloads )
The Parables of Jesus – Week 04: The Children & the Marketplace, the Man & Two Debtors, and the Persistent Friend
The Parables of Jesus – Week 4: The Children & the Marketplace, the Man & Two Debtors, and the Persistent Friend
Las Parábolas de Jesús – Semana 4: Los Niños y el Mercado, el Hombre y Dos Deudores, y el Amigo Persistente
Dynasty of Kings Established | A Renewed Burden for the Lost
Sunday School: Dynasty of Kings Established; Sermon: A Renewed Burden for the Lost
Escuela Dominical: Se Establece la Dinastia de los Reyes; Sermon: Una Carga Renovada para los Perdidos
Download MP3 Audio Here: A Renewed Burden for the Lost (204 downloads )
The Parables of Jesus – Week 03: The Mustard Seed, the Yeast, & the Two Houses
The Parables of Jesus – Week 3: The Mustard Seed, the Yeast, & the Two Houses
Las Parábolas de Jesús – Semana 3: La Semilla de Mostaza, La Levadura, y Los Dos Casas
The Making of a Nation | A Certainty of Faith
Sunday School: The Making of a Nation; Sermon: A Certainty of Faith
Escuela Dominical: El Nacimiento De Uno Nación; Sermon: Una Certeza de Fe
The Parables of Jesus – Week 02: The Sower & The Weeds
The Parables of Jesus – Week 2: The Sower & The Weeds
Las Parábolas de Jesús – Semana 2: El Sembrador y La Cizaña
The Great Story Begins | Lulled to Blindness
Sunday School: The Great Story Begins; Sermon: Lulled to Blindness
Escuela Dominical: La Gran Historia Comienza; Sermon: Arrullado a la Ceguera
The Parables of Jesus – Week 01: Introduction
The Parables of Jesus – Week 1: Introduction
Las Parábolas de Jesús – Semana 1: Introducción
The New Jerusalem | Who Will the Lord Regard?
Sunday School: The New Jerusalem; Sermon: Who Will the Lord Regard?
Escuela Dominical: La Nueva Jerusalén; Sermon: ¿A Quién Considerará El Señor?
The Second Coming of Christ | It’s Time to Fight
Sunday School: The Second Coming of Christ; Sermon: It’s Time to Fight
Escuela Dominical: La Segunda Venida de Cristo; Sermon: Es Tiempo De Pelear