Sunday School: The Lamb Who Is Worthy; Sermon: A Well-Watered Garden
Escuela Dominical: El Cordero Que Es Digno; Sermon: Un Jardín Bien Regada
Christ’s Messages to the churches (Part 2) | Perfect Peace
Sunday School: Christ’s Messages to the churches (Part 2); Sermon: Perfect Peace
Escuela Dominical: Los Mensajes de Cristo a las Inglesias (Parte 2); Sermon: Perfecta Paz
Christ’s Messages to the Churches (Part 1) | Rejoice Always
Sunday School: Christ’s Messages to the Churches (Part 1); Sermon: Rejoice Always!
Escuela Dominical: Los Mensajes de Cristo a las Inglesias (Parte 1); Sermon: ¡Regocíjense Siempre!
The Glorified Christ | No More Fear
Sunday School: The Glorified Christ; Sermon: No More Fear
Escuela Dominical: El Cristo Glorificado; Sermon: No Más Miedo
The Bible and the Marketplace | Saved to the Utmost
Sunday School: The Bible and the Marketplace; Sermon: Saved to the Utmost
Escuela Dominical: La Biblia y el Ámbito de los Negocios; Sermon: Salvado al Máximo
Download the MP3 Audio here: The Bible and the Marketplace (126 downloads )
Download the MP3 Audio here: Saved to the Utmost (150 downloads )
The Bible Speaks to Culture | Occupy Until I Come
Sunday School: The Bible Speaks to Culture; Sermon: Occupy Until I Come
Escuela Dominical: La Biblia y la Cultura; Sermon: Negociad Entre Tanto que Regreso
The Bible Speaks to Society | Abigail’s Intercession
Sunday School: The Bible Speaks to Society; Sermon: Abigail’s Intercession
Escuela Dominical: La Biblia Habla a La Sociedad; Sermon: Intercesión de Abigail
The Bible Speaks to Families | Dwelling in the Secret Place
Sunday School: The Bible Speaks to Families; Sermon: Dwelling in the Secret Place
Escuela Dominical: La Biblia Habla a Las Familias; Sermon: Habitando en el Lugar Secreto
The Bible Provides Moral Guidance | Can a “Christian” be “Left Behind?”
Sunday School: The Bible Provides Moral Guidance; Sermon: Can a “Christian” be “Lift Behind?”
Escuela Dominical: La Biblia Proporciona Orientación Moral; Sermon: ¿Se Puede Dejar Atrás a un Cristiano?
The Authority of Scripture | Beloved, Let Us Love One Another
Sunday School: The Authority of Scripture; Sermon: Beloved, Let Us Love One Another
Escuela Dominical: La Autoridad de las Escrituras; Sermon: Amados, Amémos Unos a Otros
Pentecostal Experience Continues | We Need You, Holy Spirit
Sunday School: Pentecostal Experience Continues | Sermon: We Need You Holy Spirit
Escuela dominical: La Experiencia Pentecostal Continúa | Sermon: Te Necesitamos Espíritu Santo
Instructions for Christian Living | The Lord Our Help
Sunday School: Instructions for Christian Living; Sermon: The Lord Our Help
Escuela dominical: Instrucciones para la Vida Cristiana; Sermon: El Señor Nuestra Ayuda